Call-off and fixed contingents

Secure a number of hotel rooms on a fixed date for events, conferences or congresses.

1. Fixed quota

2. Call-off contingent

3. Setting a call-off contingent in the MICE portal

3.1 You create a new project in your MICE portal and are at the step: Overnight stays

3.2 Changing an existing room enquiry from a fixed contingent to a call-off contingent


1. Fixed contingent

A fixed contingent is a fixed number of rooms booked by you as the event planner, which is agreed at a certain point in time with fixed GTCs📄, cancellation deadlines and payment methods.

A cancellation scale regulates the deadlines by which the total number of booked rooms or part of the room contingent can be cancelled free of charge.

A list of participants for the firmly booked rooms should be sent to the hotel before the event.

An invoice will be issued after the event has taken place and will be sent to the customer.

Note: Please do not forget to send the list of participants to the service provider 14 days before the start of the event.

2. Call-off contingent 

A call-off contingent booking is used if you do not know exactly whether all participants will need an overnight stay, or if you as the organiser only want to provide the option of a room booking for participants. A call-off contingent is a room group booking in a hotel that automatically expires on the agreed call-off date; the provider takes back all rooms not called up by the date without cancellation costs. Therefore, a fixed date for the automatic expiry of the reserved room contingent must always be agreed with the hotel. Participants can then call up the rooms individually under a keyword up to the agreed call-up date. All rooms not called up will be automatically cancelled after the call-up date has expired. The call-off date and call-off keyword for the rooms must be agreed with the provider. You can now use the call-off quota via your planning assistant!

You reserve a certain number of rooms in a hotel, which are reserved for you until a specific, predetermined date.

As a rule, this period is 4 weeks before the start of the event, but this can be negotiated individually with the hotel. The rooms are then called up directly by the participants under a keyword.

This contingent can be cancelled free of charge within this period and the unclaimed rooms are automatically returned to the hotel's free sale. 

An individual reservation contract is concluded between the hotel and a person who requests a room from the contingent.

The customer usually books the room by providing their credit card number as a guarantee and pays directly at the hotel.


Our tip: You can specify in your MICE portal when you create the project if you need a call-off contingent. We will show you how to do this in the next step. The hotel will tell you the call-off period for the rooms in the offer and the keyword under which the rooms can be called off.

3. Setting up a call-off contingent in the MICE portal

3.1 You create a new project in your MICE portal and are at the step

When you create a project, you can specify whether you would like to request a call-off contingent by ticking the appropriate box when requesting your overnight stays. If the box is not ticked, you automatically request your rooms as a fixed contingent from the hotel.

  • Create your project in the planning assistant
  • Define your event details
  • Select the number of nights you want to stay and the room type
  • Click on the ‘box’ call-off contingent

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Note: The provider automatically receives a reference to the call-off quota when you make your enquiry and must provide you with an expiry date and keyword via mandatory fields.

You are welcome to negotiate your wishes individually with the provider. You are welcome to note your wishes in the comments field.


Here you can see the bid submission from the supplier's point of view with the mandatory fields call-off period and call-off keyword.

This is what your offer looks like:


3.2 Changing an existing room enquiry from a fixed contingent to a call-off contingent

  • Open the project you want.
  • Scroll down to below the key data of your event or room enquiry.
  • Click on ‘Change requirements’.
  • The overview of your event question opens here.
  • Open the number of your rooms in the corresponding column and tick the call-off contingent.

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  • You must then send the change of your enquiry from fixed to on-call contingent to the hotel.

The hotel will then create a new offer stating the expiry date and the call-off keyword.

Note: If the hotel has already created an offer as a fixed contingent, we recommend that you clarify with the hotel in advance whether a change to a call contingent is possible.

